Babylon Cloud SPA

Revolutionize the Sport Events Visibility

Babylon Stream: Discover Babylon Cloud's OTT Video Service

In a world where visibility is everything, Babylon Stream offers sports federations the opportunity to enhance and monetize their video content from their own platform.

Our services

Why choosing Babylon Cloud?

Because Babylon Stream is the right choice for Sports Federations. Discover how we can help you take your sport event to the next level!

Enhance Your Events

Total Control Over Your Content

Stop using social networks that profit from the traffic generated by your promotional activities.

With Babylon Stream, you can upload and manage your videos on a customized platform, driving traffic and value directly to your domain.

Increased Traffic to Your Website

Greater Control Over Content and Distribution

Maximization of Your Video Assets

Take advantage of your Assets

Monetize Your Video Archive

Don’t let your valuable video content go unused.

Babylon Stream offers the opportunity to monetize your video archive through subscriptions, pay-per-view, and advertising, all managed from a dedicated platform.

New Revenue

Optimal Use of Video Archives

Features that enhance event management

Start Growing Your Business

Transform Your Organization with Babylon Stream

Don’t miss the opportunity to have full control over your video content, increase your online visibility, and maximize your revenue.

Contact Babylon Stream and discover how we can help you turn your sport event into a revenue-generating machine.

maximum flexibility

Autonomous Management of Events and Tournaments

With Babylon Stream you can give visibility to those events and tournaments which are not covered by exclusive contracts with major networks.

Our platform supports the broadcasting of multiple live streams at the same time, ensuring complete coverage even in case of overlapping events.

Greater Visibility for All Sports Events

Complete Coverage of Minor Events

No Need for Exclusive Third-Party Agreements

Simple Yet Comprehensive Use

Customize Teams and Athletes

Every team or athlete within your federation can create a dedicated account on the platform.

This allows them to live stream, upload on-demand videos, and manage text articles, offering all the features of a social network, which is totally under your control.

Personalized Promotion for Teams and Athletes

Advanced Features for Every Federation Member

Greater Engagement with Fans and Supporters

Ultimate Freedom

Unlimited Access and Scalability

With Babylon Stream, there are no limits to the amount of content you can stream or store.

Broadcast your events 24/7 and keep an unlimited number of videos, ensuring that every moment is accessible and monetizable.

Easy Integration with Your Websites

Increased Traffic and Interaction on the Dedicated Portal

Enhanced User Experience

perfectly integrable

Integration with Official Websites

Your live streams and VoDs can be easily embedded into official websites, or you can redirect users to the portal hosting your videos.

This not only increases the visibility of your content but also improves the user experience, making it easy for them to access all your events.

Unlimited Expansion of Your Content

Unlimited Streaming and Storage Capacity

Maximum Flexibility for Every Need

sports federations